martedì 27 novembre 2012

Present perfect

Here's a lesson on :
Teacher Anna

N. B.Questa lezione non è scaricabile se non avete activinspire

Present perfect Activinspire

Exercises 1

Exercise 2
Exercise 3                       
Exercise 4

exercise 5

domenica 25 novembre 2012

Little talks

Hi, my dear students!
I do love this song!! What about you?
We are going to do this at school. Soooo get ready!
See you.
Teacher Anna

Little talks

lunedì 19 novembre 2012

Here's both the Italian and English version of the poem by Walt Whitman.
Whitman admired  President  Lincoln(1809-1865) and considered him the symbol of the goodness of mankind. On the  occasion of his murder he wrote this poem which is included in "Leaves of Grass" his most famous collection of poems. In the Preface  he exhorted his country fellows to love nature, to despise wealth, to hate tyrants, to be generous with the poor, to follow the laws of God. He also exhalted common people, the nobility of hard manual work, the beauty of nature but also the greatness of technology.

Let's listen to it.

Teacher Anna

Poem by Whitman O Capitano, mio Capitano

domenica 18 novembre 2012


The students quickly quiet down as Keating emerges from the other room,
whistling the 1812 Overture. He walks up the length of the classroom and
out the door without a word. The students look around at one another,
uncertain of what to do. Keating pokes his head back in the doorway.

  Well come on.

He gestures them to follow and the students, after some hesitation, grab
their books and follow Keating out into the main entranceway. 


Keating stands before the school's trophy cabinets and waits until all
the boys arrive.

  "Oh Captain, My Captain" who knows where
  that comes from?

Todd looks up as if he knows the answer, but says nothing. Spaz blows his
nose a little too close to Meeks for his liking.

  Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt
  Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now in
  this class you can call me Mr. Keating. Or,
  if you're slightly more daring, Oh Captain,
  My Captain.

The students laugh slightly.

  Now let me dispel a few rumors so they
  don't fester into facts. Yes, I too
  attended Hell-ton and survived. And no,
  at that time I was not the mental giant
  you see before you. I was the intellectual
  equivalent of a ninety-eight pound
  weakling. I would go to the beach and
  people would kick copies of Byron in my

The boys laugh once again, while Cameron, obviously trying to write all
this down, looks around confusedly. Keating looks down at papers in his

  Now, Mr… Pitts. That's a rather
  unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are

Pitts raises his hand while everyone around him snickers.

Mr. Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the first
stanza of the poem you find there?

  "To the virgins, to make much of time"?

  Yes, that's the one. Somewhat appropriate,
  isn't it.

  "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old
  time is still a flying, and this same
  flower that smiles today, tomorrow will
  be dying."

  Thank you Mr. Pitts. "Gather ye rosebuds
  while ye may." The Latin term for that
  sentiment is Carpe Diem. Now who knows
  what that means?

Meeks immediately puts his hand up.

  Carpe Diem. That's "seize the day."

  Very good, Mr.-


  Meeks. Another unusual name. Seize the
  day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
  Why does the writer use these lines?

  Because he's in a hurry.

  No, ding!

Keating slams his hand down on an imaginary buzzer.

  Thank you for playing anyway. Because we
  are food for worms lads. Because, believe
  it or not, each and every one of us in
  this room is one day going to stop
  breathing, turn cold, and die. 

Keating turns towards the trophy cases, filled with trophies, footballs,
and team pictures.

  Now I would like you to step forward over
  here and peruse some of the faces from
  the past. You've walked past them many
  times. I don't think you've really looked
  at them.

The students slowly gather round the cases and Keating moves behind them.

  They're not that different from you, are
  they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones,
  just like you. Invincible, just like you
  feel. The world is their oyster. They
  believe they're destined for great things,
  just like many of you. Their eyes are full
  of hope, just like you. Did they wait until
  it was too late to make from their lives
  even one iota of what they were capable?
  Because you see gentlmen, these boys are
  now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen
  real close, you can hear them whisper their
  legacy to you. Go on, lean in.

The boys lean in and Keating hovers over Cameron's shoulder.

       (whispering in a gruff voice)

Cameron looks over his shoulder with an aggravated expression on his face. 

  Hear it?
       (whispering again)
  Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys,
  make your lives extraordinary.

The boys stare at the faces in the cabinet in silence.


O Captain, my Captain

Hello my dear students,
You read the poem by Walt Whitman "O Captain ! My Captain! by Walt Whitman with your Italian teacher.
For this reason I uploaded some extracts, taken from the film "Dead poets' society" starring Robin Williams.
In this movie the teacher Mr Keating, is a non-conformist and eccentric teacher.
In his lesson (the one I uploaded) Mr Keating refers to the American poet Walt Whitman, who was a poet full of passion, innovator and anti -conformist.
In this scene the teacher introduces and invites  the students to the philosophy of CARPE DIEM (Latin words) SEIZE THE DAY (in English).
I uploaded both the English and the Italian version.

Teacher Anna

Carpe diem

Hi kids,
Copy these words and then sing and mime all together!
Enjoy it!
Teacher Anna

Open shut them, open shut them,
give a little clap, clap, clap,
open shut them, open shut them,
put them in your lap, lap ,lap
Big and small,
Please, No thank you.
Fast and slow.
Loud , quiet
Peek- a- boo!

Open, shut them

venerdì 16 novembre 2012

Charlie Chaplin


Your Italian teacher told me you're going to study the birth of the cinema and Charlie Chaplin.
So today, after writing Charlie Chaplin's biography, we are going to watch a few trailers from his most famous films.
Teacher Anna

Modern times
The flag- You are the leader!
In prison

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012


Hi my dear students!!!
I've just uploaded the song you told me about this morning.
 Enjoy the song.
 We are going to do it at school.
Teacher Anna