mercoledì 4 dicembre 2013

Like hate

 Come faccio a dire:
"Odio il modo in cui cammini"
"Mi piace il modo in cui sorridi"

Eccovi la traduzione.
"I hate the way you walk"
"I like the way you smile"
Ora copiate questa poesia ;

Ed ora clicca qui:

sabato 9 novembre 2013

Video prova per le classi prime

Salve ragazzi!
In questi giorni sto provando vari modi per fare un video!
Eccone un'altro per le classi prime.
Teacher Anna 


mercoledì 6 novembre 2013

Present progressive veloce ripasso

Ai miei ragazzi di seconda B e C:
Abbiamo fatto a scuola in modo approfondito il present progressive. Oggi lo ripassiamo in modo veloce in aula Lim con un video che ho preparato per voi. 
Ci vediamo a scuola.
Teacher Anna

Quick present progressive

martedì 22 ottobre 2013

Asking for and giving directions

Hi! This is a post a made for 3rd B students.

First write down these words:

Crossroads /Intersection = incrocio
T-intersection   T -junction = incrocio a T
Go through  = passare  attraverso 
Could you tell me = mi potresti dire
how to get to the cinema? = come  si fa ad arrivare al cinema?
Turning= svolta
Take the first turning on the left= prendi la prima (svolta) a sinistra

Directions Video
Video directions 2

domenica 13 ottobre 2013

Wake me up- Imperative!!!

Beh, si lo so, voi dite che la scuola è boring.... 
Ma, che ne dite se iniziamo a ripassare alcune strutture grammaticali con "Wake me up"?
Prima però scrivete queste parole. 

Come on , let's start!
Teacher Anna

Parole da scrivere:

Wake up = Svegliare
Wake somebody up = svegliare qualcuno
Wake me up = Svegliami!
Wake her up = svegliala!
It is all over = E' tutto finito
A beating heart= un cuore che batte
beat= battere
journey = viaggio
To be lost= essere perso
I was lost = ero perso

Wake me up!

domenica 6 ottobre 2013

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

martedì 3 settembre 2013

Simple past Prezi

Hi, everyone!
This is another lesson on simple past. 
I made it  with a fantastic tool called Prezi.

Let's watch and learn!
Teacher Anna

Simple past Prezi

TH Sound -Prezi

Il "TH" ha due pronunce!
 E' decisamente il suono più difficile da pronunciare per noi italiani.
Quindi forza e coraggio, ho preparato una lezione con dei video che ho raccolto pazientemente da youtube.
(Ne ho visionati una vagonata...) Questi mi sembrano abbastanza chiari.
Let's start.
Teacher Anna

TH sound!!!!

Attic, pantry, utility room

Let's learn new vocabulary about the house.

Teacher Anna


 a space or room under the roof


a small room where food is kept.

a room in a house where washing mashines, freezers, ironing boards etc are kept.

a small building used for storing things. 

domenica 1 settembre 2013

E-twinning video

Here's an interesting video about etwinning.
Just click and have a look!


Teacher Anna

lunedì 29 luglio 2013

Simple past ppt copia scaricabile

This is the lesson on simple past  you can download.
I hope you will use it.
See you.
Teacher Anna

lunedì 20 maggio 2013

Adele Someone like you

Hi my dear students,
today we are going to practice the simple past using a very popular song.
 You have to write the lyrics of this song first, and then complete the missing parts.
Let's get started!
Teacher Anna

Adele - Someone like you

mercoledì 15 maggio 2013

lunedì 13 maggio 2013


Hello my dear students,
we are going to listen and study this song.
Enjoy it!
Teacher Anna

Waka waka

sabato 6 aprile 2013


Today we are going to watch a few lessons both on the use of WILL and on TO BE GOING TO.
 Pay attention, will you?
Teacher Anna

Will and going to for predictions

Other videos with explanations.....


 will and to be going to

And now EXERCISES!!!!

Will or to be going to ?

Let's listen to a song: I will always love you

I will survive Gloria Gaynor

lunedì 18 marzo 2013

It's my life Bon Jovi

Here's another song we are going to use to learn new vocabulary.
Please write down the following words.

ain't gonna= I'm not going
alive = vivo/ in vita
broken hearted = cuori infranti
faith departed = allontanati dalla fede/ che hanno perso la fede
highway = autostrada
shout = gridare
stand my ground = tenere duro
back down = cedere
stand tall = restare a testa alta/ essere orgoglioso
It's my life -Bon Jovi

I don't want to miss a thing! Aerosmith

Hello ! Here's a breathtaking love song  to revise and learn  new vocabulary.
Teacher Anna

Please write down these words and expressions:
could= potrei/sapevo
don't wanna miss a thing = I don't want to miss a thing  = Non voglio perdere niente.
wonder = chiedermi /domandarmi
beat= battere
breath = respirare
miss= perdere/ sentire la mancanza/ anche perdere il treno.
hold close = tenero stretto
dream= sognare
just like this= proprio così
lie = stare sdraiato  verbo irregolare LIE LAY LAIN-
 DA NON CONFONDERE CON : LIE LIED LIED = Mentire / dire bugie
surrender =resa/abbandono/ come verbo significa = "abbandonarsi/ arrendersi"
awake= sveglio
treasure = tesoro e come verbo significa " fare tesoro"
'cus = because
do= bastare

I don't want to miss a thing! Aerosmith

domenica 17 febbraio 2013

sabato 16 febbraio 2013

The immigrant journey prezi

Here is a presentation of the long journey our Italian ancestors did many years ago.

Teacher Anna

The journey to America

giovedì 14 febbraio 2013

Prezi personal pronouns

Hi! Here is another presentation I made  with Prezi.
This time is on Personal pronouns.
Let's watch it together.
Teacher Anna

Prezi personal pronouns

Adesso per esercitarci sui pronomi personali dovete andare su

Si apre la pagina, cliccate in alto a destra su "student login"
Vi chiede di mettere your teacher, inserite i dati che vi ho fatto scrivere  a scuola.
Good luck.
Teacher Anna

Prezi the verb "to have"

Hello my dear students!
I prepared a new lesson on the auxiliary "to have" using Prezi.
Have a look.
Teacher Anna

To have simple present

domenica 10 febbraio 2013

Scent of a woman Final speech

Hi My dear students,
Here's the final speech by Colonel Slade.
Teacher Anna

Here are some words and verbs in the video, take note, please:
snitch spia, 
liar bugiardo, 
barracks caserma,
I'm just getting  warmed up mi sto appena scaldando,
  labelled etichettato, 
burn at the stake mandare al rogo, 
crock of shit (slang volgare) fesseria/ str.........ata, 
prosthetic rimedio/protesi,
 bum che non vale niente/scansafatiche, flamethrower lanciafiamme
minnows piccoli, 
manhood virilità/ mascolinità,
 rat ship nave di spie,
 tail between his legs la coda tra le gambe,
 path sentiero/via/ strada.
Now have a look at these verbs used in the video:
I've been, I've seen, it has fallen, I've come, he has chosen, WHAT TENSE  IS IT ?
Final speech by Colonel Slade

Discorso finale in italiano

Scent of a woman

Scent of woman 1992  by Martin Brest
Starring Al Pacino Chris O’ Donnel

Frank is a retired Lt Col in the US army. He's blind and impossible to get along with.   Charlie Simms is a boy from Oregon who attends Baird School, a Boys’ boarding school (In New Hampshire)

 Unlike most of the other boys who come from rich and affluent backgrounds Simms is there on a scholarship. One evening  while Charlie and a very well-off boy are walking , they see that some friends of George's  are preparing a  prank on Mr Trask, the Dean (the headmaster) of the school.
 The headmaster learns that Charlie and George know who pulled the prank and invite them to tell him their names, but they refuse to.
 He gives the Thanksgiving Holiday to think about it. He also tells Charlie that he's recommending him to an Ivy League College.
 Charlie then goes off to a Thanksgiving job--taking care of Colonel Frank Slade.
 To Charlie’s surprise  Slade has a plan: to go to New York where he has several agendas of his own.

Here are few words to look it up: big hug, fearless, voracious reader, rippling creek, endowed with wisdom, of judgement sound, abound,deal, conniving, crass, puckered his lips, stunt, lamppost, pulled focus.

Scent of a woman "the prank" 

mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013

1 Vowels

Hello my dear students,
Here's a very cool way of practicing pronunciation!
Let's do it at school tomorrow.
Teacher Anna

1 Vowels Pronunciation

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Animal farm second part

Even the seven commandments were changed into one:

The theme of betrayal of democracy is summed up in this slogan.
 So their communist rebellion ended in fierce dictatorship by the pigs. The initial protest revealed to be a complete failure because their former comrades were now their dictators and enemies.

With "Animal farm" Orwell wanted to describe and denounce the degeneration of the Russian Revolution and the horrors of Stalinism. The story can be considered also as a satire on dictatorship in general, not only in Russia; Orwell was convinced that his duty was to show people the deceptions of a Communist State. He believed that power corrupts all men.

martedì 22 gennaio 2013

Animal farm story First part

 Animal farm is a fairy story which tells the animals' revolution against their enemy: MAN!!!!
The leaders of the revolt were two pigs : Napoleon and Snowball. They formulated the Seven commandments which were the principles of Animalism:

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

Years passed but the pigs started to behave like men: they walked on two legs, they wore clothes,  and they sat at tables drinking wine and alcoholic drinks; it was now impossible to distinguish pigs from men.......
To be continued...............................

Characters in Animal farm

In the story the main characters represent a historical character.

The old major  represents Lenin the charismatic leader.

Napoleon represents Stalin, who,like Napoleon, turned revolution into dictatorship.
.He is the ambitious pig, who does not hesitate to betray (tradire) the
revolution to become a dictator

Snowball represents Trotsky
for his white beard and hair,and the fact that he was eliminated by Stalin.

Boxer the simple and honest horse,whose strength is exploited by the pigs (the intellectuals) represents the workers ; they are  destined to work incessantly to make others (the pigs) comfortable and gaining nothing from their work.

venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

Animal farm Movie

Hi dear students,
Here is "Animal farm" in cartoons. We are going to watch just a few scenes.
Have fun!
Teacher Anna

Movie Animal farm